spirit is thicker than blood

subjective truths are not trustworthy. that's why every healthy person, as they grow, is forced to question everything they were ever "taught." we have to determine what the truth is for ourselves.

i did not say, 'we have to determine our truth.' that is one of the most unstable concepts that was ever created. there is an absolute truth about every question in life and our souls will find no rest until they discover it. the proof is in the restless searching in the core of any person who subscribes to any subjective worldview.

so here is something to consider. "blood is thicker than water" is a super common quote that is used to emphasize family loyalty over everything. that is a theme for life in a lot of families and communities and cultures. i actually love it. my family are some of the coolest people i know (and isn't my little sister adorable 😍), but we never emphasized loyalty to each other over anything else. my parents simply taught us to treat everyone with respect, honor and integrity, and we've all done our best to do that, including when it comes to each other (except when we're hurt or angry, but that's another story for another day).

but when i grew up and spent more time around other people, it made me so happy and a little jealous when i would see family members sticking up for each other, whether the other was right or wrong. then i moved to memphis and and then atlanta and then miami, and i got to do life with black friends and roommates for 10 years, and experience their culture up close. the loyalty i found there was on another level. "got your back" really means all the way to death if necessary, once decided, and i had never seen anything like it. what i saw brought out this fierce loyalty and protectiveness in me that i had never fully been able to express and i really loved it. i can never go back now. i was always a committed person but now i'm like, if you're my people i will give my life for you. no matter what. and you had better respect that and not put me in a position to do something i'll regret.

what i'm getting at is gonna sound crazy, but it's this: this whole concept is a subjective truth that has no basis in the word of God. i personally have decided not to subscribe to any idea that isn't found in the word, not because of a religious rules, but simply because of this--any truth found in the bible stands on its own. any idea that is not found in scripture, that boat will eventually spring a leak and sink. it's been proven over and over and over again.

so what does that mean? it doesn't mean i can't still be a loyal maniac who is ready to throw down to protect my people (unless they are defying a biblical truth). it doesn't mean you should no longer support your biological family. we were put into families according to God's design because the ideal family is a very safe and healthy foundation for a successful life. that should be honored and appreciated.

but...families are meant to represent how kingdom life is supposed to look. they are not the end goal. they are a picture of a community life with "brothers and sisters" walking in a revelation of our new creation, living in the new nature we were supernaturally given, coexisting and growing together and supporting and being loyal to each other. all of this to be able to multiply this incredible kingdom life, and grow it and fill the earth with the beauty of it. something so phenomenal that, just like when i saw loyalty lived out and fell in love with it, when other people see this precious subculture of unconditional love, they will want to be a part.

on a side, when the family nucleus is not safe and healthy, when there is abuse, or abandonment, or just insecurity and lack of identity, it makes it so hard to imagine what life is supposed to look like. this is often, if not always, where the attraction is found to cults, gangs, mobs, and how many prostitution and sex trafficking rings are successful. everyone has a deep desire to belong and be loyal to something, and psychological manipulation is an incredibly easy counterfeit when you have never seen the truth. which is why "kingdom family," and loyalty to that family, is even more vital, and must be the goal beyond blood loyalty. because if people can't find heaven on earth at home, we have to be able to show it to them! i will even be so bold as to say that is the only way to ever achieve world peace.

the end goal of everything that is good in physical reality is to express some eternal truth about spirit reality. there's so much better waiting for you than you can ever imagine.

"blood is thicker than water. but spirit is thicker than blood." --Didier Tison


love, MJ


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