identity talks pt 1: free from sin?
So...there are some things I have been thinking about a lot over these past few months. There are some truths that it seems like I know or at least understand in my mind, but they do not materialize in my life. Does that mean they haven't reached my heart? How do I get there? How does that kind of thing happen to you guys? You know the things that you're like "I'm gonna do better with this, this isn't going to happen again"...and then the next day the same thing happens again...and you think, 'I KNOW I know what to do, why am I not doing it?' Those are the things I want to talk about. Not teach, because I think teaching is for the masters. I just want to talk, and you are so welcome to share your thoughts, too. So here is a thing. Do you know that Jesus came to prove that we can actually live inside of a human body sinless? Yeah...I don't think that we are actually "sinners saved by grace." If you read Romans 1:4, it talks ab...